Thursday, April 12, 2007

Do you ever really believe someone's Number answer? Do ya?

You know what I'm talking about, that oft-wondered and rarely asked nugget of information that might confirm everything you had always thought about Boy. Or that exact same number could mean exactly the opposite. I think it all depends on how you think of Boy beforehand, anyway. How many people have you had sex with?

Does everyone come into the question with a preconceived "slut" spectrum shaded out? Because I think that spectrum's shading shifts per judging.

Let's say Boy A is a whore monkey. Boy A slept with a mere two ladies, but they were all ugly. One night stands. Meaningless. Boy B, on the otherhand, has slept with 13 girlies and he's still Mr. Romeo because he "cared" about each of them. Logical? Maybe. There's disease exposure, the possibility of Little Boy As and Bs. But still. And you know if Boy B is particularly attractive, the thirteen just doesn't seem like that big of a deal. You're still special. He still likes you, and those others couldn't have mattered.

What's in a number? And why do we all want to know? Because you know inevitably, we all want to ask the Question.

(forgive the lack of Microsoft Equation 3.0)
So, if X=the Number, y=attractiveness, Z=likelihood Boy will get laid tonight:
as y goes towards Brad Pitt, Z increases exponentially
X/y is inversely proportional to Z

And my life? It's a sin wave. Peak-to-peak is my week offshore, with the trough in the middle when you find out there's going to be fog in another 1/T

1 ..::thought(s)::..

At 8:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous ..::word(s)::..

I think your equations or missing a 'hook up factor'. if X is the number of people one has slept with, i think B needs to be the # of non-sex hookups. Maybe the should count as the total "number" you speak of is actually X + B/2 = 'number'.

In your equation, a person who is abstaining from sex, but has gone down on 300 people has a number of ZERO...craziness!

Also, I don't think the number matters unless you want to be constantly comparing yourself to past hooks. You should only ask if you can handle the answer.

hugs & kisses,


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