Wednesday, July 27, 2005

You would think that in a new construction, all the appliances would be in tip-top shape, the cabinets clean, and the piping functioning. You would think wrong.

As much as I'm enjoying my new-home ownership, making design decisions, and choosing a color palatte, I'm left wondering why the builder couldn't have just gotten it right the first time. Seriously.

My tub leaks into the carport below; the master bathroom sink leaks into the cabinetry; the kitchen sink leaked and was fixed two days ago; the dishwasher stubbornly refuses to drain and there's no discernable reason why; the electricity to the doorbell and one plug (on the same wall) doesn't work; there appears to be the beginnings of a leak in the front window; the wooden front door is splitting at the bottom; one window isn't double paned (per code and every other window); and the dryer is making funny sounds.

PLUS, I missed The Real World Tuesday (no cable yet). This was, by far, the worst of my troubles. Are Danny and Melinda still hooking up, or has he realized that he wants to take his turn to be a mhore (man-whore)? Has Wes realized he just isn't it? And why does the ratings board not care that Wes is shown excessively drinking in public establishments when the Internet informs me he's NINETEEN-years-old? I was asked for my social security card AND passport when I tried to patronize a Boston alcohol-serving establishment and was STILL refused entrance -- keeping in mind that I AM ACTUALLY 21.

Speaking of The Real World and its namesake, I have a shrimp to de-vein with the show's producers ("bone to pick" seemed too blase): I certainly hope the castmates had more (and more intelligent) things to say about the war in Iraq than what was aired. Producers, you are doing a disservice to my generation and your increasingly younger viewing audience by allowing a potentially politically-engaging moment pass without pause or thoughtful comment. By focusing soley on the heated argument between Nihamia and Rachel about her contribution to the war, you didn't probe anyone to think more about why they do or do not "believe" in this war, or even today's politics and policies in general. Perhaps the cast didn't have anything intelligent to say other than, I disagree with you and you're stupid and I'm going to talk louder without having any rational reason to support my opinion, but that's a sad social commentary on where my friends and I are at, as viewed by the rest of popular culture.

Maybe that's the whole appeal of the show, though -- well, nowadays anyway -- to live vicariously through a group of people doing ever-more outrageous (sexual) things. Or maybe I'm just disconnected and don't realize that what I see on The Real World really IS the real world. Don't get me wrong, producers; I don't want the cast to prostelatize their opinions just because they have an incredible platform from which to do so. I want to watch people my age engaging in thought-provoking, reasoned conversations; I want their opinions to broaden my own understanding of other peoples' perspectives, instead of having the show's conversations reaffirm the stereotype that partying and pensiveness are mutually exclusive.

Anyway, it's time to sleep in preparation for another day of unpacking, stress management, and fun with my new, bright green vacuum with hose attachment.

Next time, I'd like to discuss the idea of cultural Jewdaism (sp?), my (raised Baptist) mom, and hyperbole. I know you're counting the seconds until that post :)

Goodnight world!

0 ..::thought(s)::..

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