Upside down map of the Gulf of Mexico and calendar

Upside down moniter, key board, mouse, chair on desk

More upside-downness

My hardhat! Upside down!
A prankster hit my office while I was in lots of meetings this week. Apparently it happens to everyone at some point, getting your office turned upside down. The sad thing is, when I first walked into my office, I thought "Oh, maybe the ergonomics guy was here and is bringing me new furniture!" (because I had an erg audit earlier in the week and it was decided I was going to get some new equipment, including a roll-y ball mouse)
But no, Silly Gullible Jenny, you were had. It was HILARIOUS. The attention to detail is incredible; the job was done quite thoroughly. I commend the deviants for their quality. Most everything is back upright now (it was hard to use the flipped over moniter and mouse; I tried though), except for the dry erase board wipe-off juice and the picture of the sailboat (which was already in the office before I got there, thank you very much).
Which is why, when yesterday both the guy who works in the office across the hall from me and myself walked out of our offices at the same time and he said to me, "You know, sailboats usually work best the other way," I said, "I know. But I kind of like it better this way."
(oh, and notice the awesome-ness of having a camera phone now! what what?!)
Work has really picked up in the last few days, I've got new projects and am going offshore Monday-Tuesday. My first helicopter ride! Aaaa! I'm so excited :)
Plus, how could work be bad when I spend the majority of my time laughing -- or trying to laugh silently (you know, where you kind of rock up and down in your chest, trying to hold the peals of giggles inside) and letting a few yelps escape.
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