ahhh, I finally figured out the "archiving" feature of gmail tonight (you'd think I'd never used email before - who HASN'T figured out archiving by now?). So I feel pleasantly relaxed and satisfied for having spent the last 50 minutes organizing a small part of my digital life. aaahhhh (that's a pleasant sigh). Though I'm still stuck using IE (uggghhhh I hate internet explorer! stupid stupid IE give me my Mozilla back! I hate stupid newsmonster that has somehow crippled, paralyzed friendly Firefox) so I can't have too deep a pleasant sigh.
Jen, I keep meaning to email you for troubleshooting help but I read Slate, get frustrated with IE and then give up, not wanting to mess with using IE any longer. Thank you for offering your know-how to release me from my IE imprisonment!
Since I don't feel like spending the time to change the template to add this to the Recent Tommisms sidebar, I'm going to note here Ccup's funny (ok, I almost spit my milk out my nose this morning) comment from breakfast during our conversation about a certain philanthropic organization that the company supports; as a rule the philanthropist won't put their raised money towards health organizations that perform abortions and so C passionately exclaimed as to why she wasn't going to the feel-good info session later in the day, "I think [philanthropic org] should be aborted!"
I'm pro-choice too, but I don't think I could have ever expressed my beliefs quite as eloquently as C :) hehe
Maybe you just had to be there.
0 ..::thought(s)::..
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