Tuesday, January 03, 2006

I'm alive!

Tom's peer pressure is forcing me to type through my heavily shutting eyes, willing every fingerstroke to finish this sentence so I can sleep.

My past week in London = amazing. Pictures soon.

Words soon, too.

Oh, and what do you think the seven wonders of the ancient world are? (and NO PEEKING on the internet! that's part of the challenge!) How many can you name with some certainty they might be on the list?

Of our small, unscientific sample of moms, friends, London hotel conceriege, and flight attendant, no one's been able to name all seven on their own yet.

If I die of cholesterol poisoning and uncontrollable puking (imagine that cinematically inspiring scene from Team America here) tomorrow night, tell my friends and parents that I loved them. Wendy's Challenge, here I come. (FYI: Wendy's Challenge, verb To eat every item on the Wendy's value menu in one sitting)

3 ..::thought(s)::..

At 11:43 PM, Blogger Jen ..::word(s)::..

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At 11:31 AM, Blogger Sarah ..::word(s)::..

Hanging gardens of Babylon.
Colussus of Rhodes.
Lighthouse of Alexandria.

At 11:33 AM, Blogger Sarah ..::word(s)::..

So now I went and looked them up. I got 4. Well, 3.5 since I wasn't sure about the pyramids. I'm not sure whether to be proud or embarassed.


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