Thursday, April 29, 2004

In prime procrastinating this week, I have become apart of the blogging community (well, I've created a one-sided connection, anyway. I've become apart of the blog reading community, perhaps).

In consistently reading my new favorite website, dooce , I've jumped from link to link to find soooo many other bloggers out there that I really enjoy. Photo-bloggers (photoggers? haha), people recording the next ten years of their lives in a blog, freelance writers demonstrating their skill, xml coders wanting jobs, whew. I'm so easily absorbed in what these people who all seem so world-weary yet guardedly optimistic, who I don't know, have to say. And I realized that I always want to click an "about" link to see who they are, what their life situation is, and it annoys me when they don't have one. Maybe I should make an "about" section so I don't similarly annoy alll those people who read this and don't know me (ha. ha.)

Anyway, I was thinking that this is the solution to all the kids with ADD -- no, Ridlin (sp?) is not the answer -- it's blog reading! Once you start, you just can't stop (especially if you have a test to study for). What a great way to teach the next generation about concentration, dedication, and possibly quality creative writing! Ahh, brilliance :)

The weeks have whooshed by. I'm nervous about the summer, just because I've become accustomed to always having something to do that whenever I have a stretch of time without a specific set of tasks to do, I feel unnerved. But I'm excited at the same time. After my spate of massive problems with periphery in my life the past week, I'll be glad to be at home with other people taking care of my day-to-day needs. Sigh. (oh, that periphy of which I speak include my computer breaking, then miraculously working again once I'm on the phone for the 3rd time with customer support; my two front tires needing desperately to be replaced; my back driver-side window not working; my plastic crate breaking as I carry it from the car to the storage shed....and so on. I know, such is life and I'm lucky it's only materialistic things breaking)

Thanks for the comments, you commentors, you...they make me smile :)

Goodnight world! (aka Hello book from which I shall study!)

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