Friday, June 11, 2004

It's easy to see how people can spend great quantities of their lives here in the rainforest, where the days pass languidly by without superficial defintion. Only the rising and setting of the sun and the timing of the increased frequency of bird calls let you know that another day has passed, that you're one day older and one day closer to that great discovery that set you on this path to be immersed in lianas and trees with secrets older than creation. It's easy to forget that more life exists outside of these green borders, when they are your entire focus and periphery, and when you know that some 90% of the world (biodiversity wise) is here.

I've been having a pretty good time here in Costa Rica, this being my 14th day of residency, and I like that being here makes me think a lot. Nothing like being slapped in the face with nature to make you cogniscent of your place on the planet (how miniscule we all are, how miniscule and unimportant so many things are). Right now I'm at La Selva Biological Station, a world-reknowned research facility that's about 1.5 hours from San Jose, but seems like it's in an entirely different world.

0 ..::thought(s)::..

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