Monday, January 30, 2006

I'm in love. The kind of utter, hopelessly romantic sort of love that sweeps you off your feet making you simultaneously terrified to be caught unawares that you're being dropped and ecstatically happy to be happy: Thursday I bought a Trek 1000WSD road bike.

She's amazing.

I'm also in love with [moderately] big city living, again - finally. Our move back to OSS today was done better than I ever could have expected, with the right mix of fanfare, politics, publicized generosity, and self-promoting cheerleading. I'm very proud to work where I do, with the people I do.

I meant to write more, with the historic feel of today's celebration and the presence of people like the city's [chocolate] mayor highlighting the importance of the experience (and the genuine shivers I got in watching the flag hoisted up our flag pole as a member of the soon-to-play zydeco band bleated out the national anthem on his trumpet). But it'll have to wait until tomorrow, because I'm planning to ride my new bike to work tomorrow and I need a good night's sleep.

1 ..::thought(s)::..

At 10:27 PM, Blogger Livia ..::word(s)::..

what made you go for a wsd as opposed to men's?


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