Monday, June 05, 2006

I'm an emotions hypochondriac, I've decided. There are a few television shows that somehow manage to impose the feelings of their characters onto me, to make me feel like I have those same highs and lows. Only I share their tears without really having the same resolutions. Or problems. How have I become so emotionally suggestible in my old age?

Life is running away but I'm reining it in, slowly, but fencing in my mind and only focusing on small conversations throughout the day, long emails that should have been written months ago, and hidden smiles nestled in unlikely places. And by ignoring the other things I should be doing but don't want to (or am afraid to). It's a good (but bad) thing I've got so much work to do to keep me busy (or not thinking). Hence the lack of posting: no thinking = easier on Jen.

I really should look for my daily interest in places other than morning meeting recognition, bingo, and digital media. I have a feeling the 10 hr flight Friday will be a good time for me to catch up with myself and all the thoughts I've been avoiding processing.

And my laundry still keeps piling up. Sigh.

1 ..::thought(s)::..

At 6:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous ..::word(s)::..

Its okay Jen. Sometimes i get realed into tv shows too, and even worse, cheesy movies.

I can't wait for our second european oddessy


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