The Human element
Whenever my mood and interpersonal interactions seem to change, i find myself questioning my every emotion, why am i like this why do i feel this? Because the past few days i've wanted to be alone more than with anyone else. Maybe that only seems weird because Society tells me i'm supposed to want to be around others, but it also seems strange to me since i'm not stoked about all this time to spend on land with friends! near the end of hanging out the past few nights i've thought about how excited i am to go home.
Is it because i don't know how to interact with people my own age anymore? Is it because i feel like an outsider living someone else's life? Is it because i,m scared to get too Close since now i've been away so much i'm already used to it and don't want to have to go through that all over again? Is it because i'm a girl when science deems it so every so often? Maybe i'm scared i'm becoming dependent so i'm trying to prove to myself that i'm not?
Stupid emotions!
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