Thursday, December 12, 2002

Tonight summed up my life, its ironies, and why I think my life is one long episode of Seinfeld. Really.

Kristy and I went to Georgio's pizza to have dinner (and also get away from the books), and then Kristy convinced me it'd be a good idea to round out the meal with one last Jake's trip together. We drove along Piedmont, trying to find a spot and alas! there were none, so we parked in the conviently located lot next to Caribou Coffee, figuring that that way, we wouldn't have to pay for valet. It took us all of 5 minutes to go to Jake's and come back, but nevertheless upon our return, I noticed a glaring orange THING attached to my left front tire. My poor baby! My Dip! The hands of The Man have never touched my baby before! The worst that's ever happened to Dip, as far as run-ins with Parking Nazis goes, is that a mere yellow ticket envelope has been tucked under her strong, powerful windshield wiper blades. Oh, the horror!! I run (ok, walk quickly) to the big fat meanie who is in the process of ticketing and BOOTING someone else and ask him (and kindly, I might add) to please remove the boot that must have been accidently lost on my car. Perhaps he had been looking for it, and I would be the one to help him find his mistakenly placed boot. He gets this half-smirk on his pock-marked, ugly, street-ravaged face and makes a few snide remarks about how we "left the lot" (HA!) and so he had to boot the car (by the way, if they don't want me on the lot, then booting isn't very effective now is it, because it forces me to stay there! Aye!). I told him that we were going to get coffee to go with our ice creams, that we were still doing business with the tenders of the lot. He didn't care, the jerk face, and demanded his fifty dollars. I bet he doesn't even turn it in to whereever he's supposed to - I bet he just pockets that cha-ching. Luckily, Kristy had just sold her Calc book today so she had $49 in cash on her, and the last dollar we scrapped together in nickles and dimes. Kristy told him, "This is my life savings!" And he kindly retorted, "You don't have much of a life, do you?" Who says that?!?

It just figures.

To make the situation even more laughable, this is the third time in about two weeks that we've been to Jake's together. Jake's is in a notorious gay part of town, and the worker (who is way hoooooottttttt) seems openly gay. Every time we've gone we've either had to pay with a debit card, so one of us buys both ice creams, or one of us doesn't have enough cash so the other buys both; in any case, the hot worker gives us this Knowing Look when we go in, that says "I know you guys are lesbians." Hehehe....which is definitely not the case, but makes for hysterical outings. I love it!

So that was my night. Pretty eventful, though maybe not in the most positive way.

0 ..::thought(s)::..

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