Tuesday, May 27, 2003

So I'm currently in the library at FIU, using one of the perhaps 15 computers here (in stark contrast to the millions in Tech's Library West Commons), doing the usual -- checking email, reading other people's blogs, etc etc, when all of a sudden the guy next to me mutters under his breath, "Could you just shut up?"

I was taken aback.

At first I felt confused, Maybe I heard him wrong. "Excuse me, what?"

"Do you see anyone sitting next to you?"

Dumbfounded little ol' me naively turns around to see if there is, indeed, anyone sitting to my right. Nada. What had I been doing? I coughed a couple times because my throat is dry, but it wasn't a nagging, oh-my-gosh-you're-driving-me-nuts kind of cough, it was a simple two-three noise exhale of breath!

I experienced the kind of feeling I'd imagine you'd get if you were egged on, standing facing your unknown foe in the middle of a circle of your friends and the foe's friends. That terrified, petrified, Is he going to swing on me in the middle of this library cluster of 15 computers in the Government Documents section??

So I made sure to stare straight ahead, tap on the computer keys ever so gently, and not provoke this unnerving, clearly hot-headed seatmate of mine. Then I became mad at my timidity in the face of this bully's agression. I was NOT going to sit idly by, letting him frighten me into submission. No! I was going to cough with all my might and click-clack away as if I was hitting a grand slam tennis ball with my racket-like fingers! Rarrrrrrr!!! And now he just left.

Whew, it was getting close there.

This day has been filled with silent, frustrated agression -- this morning it took me TWO HOURS to drive to school! TWO!! HOURS!! It normally takes around 45min-1hr even in clogged and congested traffic. So we're mosying along (and when I say "mosey," I mean Dip put-putted at a sweet 2mph for about 100 yards or so every 5 minutes), slowly progressing down the 10 miles I still needed to pass to get to exit 25, when we finally slooooowlly pass through the toll booth, down another 1.5 miles or so, and I see the root of the cause (at least according to the reports on the radio): A rather large, nicely dressed women with kinky-curls bobbing joyously around her small-ish head, returning to her nice black lexus that had been bumped from behind by a large, not-so-nice, dingy white van. I found "You were the root of my angst?!?!" slip audibly out of my mouth as we inched by the "accident scene." I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt that maybe it had been worse, it was just all moved off to the side of the road by the time I got there (which was, granted, at least TWO HOURS after it happened). Anyway, no grudges, it's just silly traffic, I've moved on, but I was very sad to get to Health class late and find out that the lecture topic I had been missing out on was "Contraceptives and Birth Control: All you Need to Know."

Now that I've relieved myself of that mental strain, it's off to do some homework in this severly under-technologically supplied but well-stocked (with books and study spaces) library before physics class starts.

Hope it's been a good day, World! :)

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