Thursday, May 08, 2003

Today was a great day, overall. It felt a little weird at points, especially when I was driving (I've driven more than 200 miles since yesterday morning. Crazy!!), weaving in and out of traffic and then thinking to myself of what that one preacher said at church a couple weeks ago, about putting yourself in the slow lane, chilling out, taking some time to just live, afterall, it's all about the trip, not getting to the destination, right? it feels amazing to be at home, eating good food, surrounded by my friend friends who make me happy happy happy, getting to work out, spending time at my grandma's, doing my homework the day and day after it's been assigned when it isn't due for a week because I have the time to...all of this is incredible. I thought this summer was going to moderately suck, but it's turning out to be great, and it hasn't even been a week. Although last summer was a life changing, confidence building, incredible incredible time, this one is just different. I don't feel discapilitated (or whatever that word should be) by my missing the sprout, it feels like healthy longing in which I really enjoy talking to him on the phone and don't mind not having the stress of trying to fit in seeing him and stuff (but that'll be nice again in the fall, I'm sure). I feel free and happy, like i'm doing what's truly making me happy (aaaa! I'm taking a sailing class once a week! how cool is that, yo??) Plus, FIU is soooo different from tech...the people interact, talk to each, the student center is huuuge, people play the piano in GC, there was a belly dancing display show the first day! crazy cool! the campus is beautiful just because of all the palm trees and blue skies; the physics class is interesting, in english, the prof is kind and has a heart, the profs seem to really care about you as a person instead of having the goal of breaking you down so they can build you into something spineless...i feel as though tech has made me expect to not do well in certain class, and because of my slight intellectual snobbery (i do go to tech on a full hard can fiu be? bring it on, please! ha!) i feel really confident here, and it's a strange feeling to have again after two years of feeling relatively stupid. i'm excited to be in class with two of my high school friends, good times good times...i'm just happy. prolly the pure-happiest i've been in a long long time. thanks ehem. :)

0 ..::thought(s)::..

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