Tuesday, February 18, 2003

So I was on the pot tonight (um, that's the toilet), just a slight reprieve from the world (sadly, I haven't gotten any new magazines lately to entertain me), and into my head popped, "Ha! That silly Livejournal thing. You have to pick a mood, a smily/frowny face that bobs its eyes around like a maniacle lawn man on his power mower, and of course your coolness is judged based on the music you say you're listening to at that moment, and you have to make a witty title for the random thoughts which will pour out about several topics, none of which will coincide or can be cohesively summed up in a few words. I mean, really. Who do these Livejournal people think they are?!" Ugh. Precisely. It's just too much pressure.

Whereas here, I feel like I can just be, well, Still Jenny from the Block. Woot Woot.

And that, ladies and gents, is the thought for today.

Countdown to VM: 4 days.
Nervousness level: eh? nerves? what are they, dawg?! ha! I eat nerves for breakfast! Rarrr
Excitement level: AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH

That is all for now. (But just know, if I were stuck in the world of Livejournal (sorry Andymay :) hehe) then the music I would write down is Walkin' in Memphis by ?, Flake by Jack Johnson, and Maroon 5; my smily face would be super smiley and bouncing up and down, and my title would be, "Damn, it feels good be a gangsta." Yea. Check it.)

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