Saturday, February 15, 2003

Rarrr. So my haloscan web commenting seems to be experiencing some technical difficulties, but hopefully their server will be functioning again soon and stop making my head hurt. garrrr. :)

Alas. Not like anyone comments, anyway.

V-day yesterday was a pleasant surprise: we went to a Thrashers hockey game with Molly and Daniel (they met at a hockey game a little over a year ago) and then watched part of My Big Fat Greek Wedding. It was low-key and relaxing, just like I wanted. And, of course, I got chocolate - but the best kind, this big heart full of m&ms, none of that filled stuff. And a stuffed puppy dog :)

I can't believe our VM performance is exactly a week from today - I'm starting to get scared. Aaaaah! I hope I remember everything I'm supposed to. And! Oye! My car is dead, I discovered Thursday. Just to add more stress onto everything else. Know what I want to do more than anything right this very instant? Go to Borders, get a David Sedaris book, curl up in a foreign, big, comfy chair that I hold no obligation to and that asks nothing of me (like to instead hold an INTA book in my lap and study). How sweet life would be.

If you use them, words will free you.

To party tonight or not? Hum. Emily invited me to go to some *fraternity* party but I kinda feel like being lame and watching Notting Hill when it comes on ABC tonight. Or something. We shall see...

0 ..::thought(s)::..

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