Sunday, February 02, 2003

Yo yo yo. So Biffy just exposed me to a new group to enhance my musical repetoire, Maroon 5. I like it mucho. It's very rare in this day and age (because I'm fifty, you know) that you hear something really good and quality and enjoyable for more than five minutes and that sounds unique, like nothing else. Prolly because the radio doesn't play that sort of stuff. Ahhh I feel this immediate liking for this music. Ahhhh again.

Life has been strange, yet peaceful, relaxing, and fulfilling lately. Maybe the strange part is that it's been all of that at once. I found out this week that I'm a finalist for the Semmes scholarship, this ten grand-er that would awesome to win. I'd feel like a fishy full of fishy food; that good. :)

So the other parts of it, the parts that have made it strange, are inherently difficult to write about because I haven't really let myself think that much lately, what with this thing called school and all, and so I don't really know what I think. I feel like a good student this semester so far (I think?), and I feel almost like I'm making a difference in my world (I'm not conceited enough to think I've made a difference in anyone else's yet, though...maybe that's not conceit because I wouldn't call people like MLK conceited, maybe it's just a product of true success and you just know when it happens. yea.) slowly, but I can feel my personal progress, and it's been good. I like myself more and more, and am coming to grips with what I don't like and trying to be proactive about changing those things. That's life, though, right? That constant change, that constant search, constant quest to be something more. There's still so much more I want to do... ruff. ruff.

I feel like I'm learning. Finally.

"I know I don't know you/But I want you so bad/Everyone has a secret/But can they keep it?/Oh No, they can't" --That new rock-my-world-band, Maroon 5

Peace ya'll.
Oh, and next time I have to write about my gripes with Danny. Rarrrr.

0 ..::thought(s)::..

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