Saturday, January 11, 2003

Why am I such a loser? He calls and is like, "Where should I go party?" and I'm like, "Party - what's that? I don't have any friends, so I don't really know what it's like to be invited places, let alone to a party"

So instead, I'll just sit alone in my room and drown in self pity.

The door opened with a creak; I knew there was danger
I pulled the handle further, surprised by the whiteness
of a bleak room bathed in light.
My mind was a strange place to stare into.

I wondered if they all looked like this,
so empty and abandoned,
or if it's just me.

My mind is fighting my heart, which longs to pour tears out between my eyelids.
my mind says, No! This is stupid, so are you.
So my heart recoils with the guilt of having felt something
when it knew it should have stayed stone.

0 ..::thought(s)::..

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