Saturday, February 22, 2003

i can't even write.

you didn't call. all day. there's no excuse for ignoring your only daughter. tonight.

sometimes, you make me cry. and make me hate you.

sometimes, i think it'd be okay if you weren't there, but then i remember all the other times you weren't there, all those other times you told me you cared and it was just lip service. my teacher cared more tonight than you did. but, it's just one night, just one more thing in my life, right. not like it matters anyway, right? There'll be others. that you won't see either.

i was doing so well, and now my fingers can't even type the words my eyes are crying out. why do you always do this to me. it's not fair. all the other girls with their moms and parents and happy and family and bonding and me with no one. at all. no one who was there just for me, to be proud and excited for me, and to be my mother. no one. i dont know that ill be able to forgive you this time. its not fair that i sit here in my room crying to where i feel like im going to throw up, racked with sobs, wanting to die and you probably asleep already. fine then.


0 ..::thought(s)::..

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