Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I like how, just now, when the President made mention of Coretta Scott King's death today in tribute to her good works the entire congregation of primarily old, rich, white men stood in ovation as the camera panned around to the only two black faces its controller could find, zooming in on the (and how unexpected!) studied mix of tenderness, sorrow, and deference to one of their heros clear on their slightly darker faces.

It all just seems like a circus show put on for the people who are already supporters and will cheer when the President says "the", and the people whose minds are so made up in their need to be defined by opposing everything the President defines for himself that they're merely watching to find more fodder for their rants.

And then there's the newly-sworn-in Alito, eyes darting around uncomfortably, clearly not sure whether there's a camera on him or not, not sure if his face is expressing the right measure of austere concentration mixed with the relaxed pleasure he's supposed to have for a night of listening to his leader.

I just don't think I'll be able to watch this much longer without poking my own eyes out while sticking butter knives repeatedly into my ears. What a charade!

0 ..::thought(s)::..

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