Sunday, June 01, 2003

I went to Wal*Mart today to pick out some new deodorant (I decided I like my friends and would like to keep them around me), and, as always happens, I found myself standing, enraptured, in front of the display of a myriad of sprays, rubs, and powders, alternately lifting caps and sniffing contents for 3 levels of product-filled shelving. And at each sniff of a deodorant scent and brand I have used previously, the scent would send my emotions rushing to make me feel the same way I did that last time I remember wearing that brand. I can almost categorize the last couple years of my life by what deodorant I wore for that period; I look forward to shopping for anti-persperant because I know walking down those shelves is like taking a walk down memory lane (please, forgive me for the cliche).

I decided to buy the Dove brand, original scent, "goes on clear" stick this time, and when I took a whiff of its sweet, clean and fresh smell, it made me think of the summer after 12th grade, when I may or may not have gone out with Jimmy, and made me think specifically of the time when he sniffed my armpit (I guess it was especially appealing that day) and said something along the lines of, "Mmmm, that's good," and proceeded to ask if he could lick my armpit to taste it. With this mental image, how could I not laugh right there in the middle of the deodorant aisle, guiltily holding a tube of deodrant with the cap conspiciously off?

I also delved into the Soft'n'Dri Cool'n'Clean scent (the one with the green flower on the can) spray deodorant (the only spray I've ever tried), which reminded me of SSTP '99 (Student Science Training Program, only the best summer program ever for high schoolers at UF) and all those good times with Komal...aaahhhh, it's healing to meander through the Health and Beauty department every now and then, really.

Tonight I went to Mandy's house for her family birthday dinner, an annual tradition that I have always attended and adored (who wouldn't love fried pork chops, home made, from scratch mashed potatoes, fried okra, corn on the cob, biscuits, and drippings gravy?!). It felt especially awesome tonight, like a second home-coming almost, because I think of all her family as my own and I love big family gatherings (with just a ma and a pa, things can get kind of lonely and boring after a while). It reminded me of how simple life really is -- it really just boils down to your friends and family, and your values. There's not much else that truly matters and is worht getting upset about. I like being reminded of that simplicity when I'm with my friends and realize everything's ok, the world is safe and happy. That's a good way to describe how I feel at Mandy's -- safe and warm. I'm also happy for her that things are working out with Erich; he's fun to talk to, funny and interesting, and it makes me happy to be able to hang out with him and her AND her family, it's a good step.

I feel like this weekend has been one of the most active I've had in a long, long time, and yet even though I was constantly busy and doing something, I found that I missed the Sprout more than usual. Maybe it's because doing so much reminds me he's not there more, as opposed to when I'm holed up in my G-ma's house or my own, deadening my brain cells or doing homework. Friday night, Danny, Hanson and I went to Senor Frogs in South Beach (related to the bar/club of the same name in Cancun and Cononut Grove); we all got in because one of Danny's fraternity brothers was working the door ;) I had a great time. It was a spanish club, so they played lots of fast-paced spanish dance songs, to which Danny tried to teach me how to dance, with only a somewhat-successful result. Hanson and I danced together a lot, during which I had to try really hard not to laugh because of his "moves" and facial expressions. Great stuff, just great. Then on Saturday night, the three of us went with Hanny's parents to a Chinese party that was a celebration/fundraiser for the 1st annual Dragon Boat Races of Miami (to be held in October, if anyone's interested in going hehe). The guy who threw the party had a huuuuuuge house, with a huuuuuuge backyard, and an excellent seafood-filled buffet. Mmmm....I prolly ate about $30 worth of high quality food. It was funny to hear everyone talk, though, because most of the people there were Spanish and Chinese. How strange to hear people blend "Que pasa" and "cocina" into chinese conversations.

Today I saw "Finding Nemo," the new Disney/Pixar movie, with my parents. It was soooo good! I absolutely loved it and recommend that everyone goes to see it. Very heart warming and hope-renewing :)

Time to go study for my first test of the summer....noooooo! I don't want to go!!

Goodnight all!

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