Sunday, May 22, 2005

it's still okay that I cry, right?

damn me and my big internet mouth.

D, H, and I (plus M) went snorkling yesterday at Looe Reef out of Bahia Honda State Park in the keys. We saw barracuda, yellowtails, sergeant majors, lots of was lots of fun and the weather was perfect. It was a perfect distraction, too.

Now I'm deciding what my next distraction will be - taking the test to become officially certified to operate a keelboat, and then volunteer as a camp counselor teaching kiddies to sail, or... well, I haven't really figured out what my other options are yet.

I saw Star Wars Episode III Friday (another distraction) and it was mildly entertaining. Eh.

So....that's it. I'm kind of dried up right now.

1 ..::thought(s)::..

At 6:52 AM, Blogger chris ..::word(s)::..

enh... don't worry about your big internet mouth. honestly, who reads your blog? if i had to guess, i'd say mostly friends who care about you, who are concerned for your well-being, and who are genuinely interested in what's going on in your life. and if someone you don't know from adam's housecat is reading your blog, well, then who cares what they think?


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