Wednesday, June 18, 2003

AAAhhhhhhhh!!!! I was just on the Diane Rheem show!!!!

I called in to ask a question about the book, "Life of Pi," which was being discussed today. I was going to ask about which ending the guests believed or liked better, and the related symbolism between the two (the different stories Pi told the Japanese investigators), but then someone asked that before me, so in my silliness i hung up, when I was going to be the next caller on the line! So anyway, I called back when I thought of some other questions I wanted to ask; I was going to ask about the carniverous island he came across, but someone else did, so I thought of ANOTHER question, about the blind shipwrecked man he comes across that the tiger eats and what it was an allegory for. I was the last caller, so I had to just ask my question really fast, and I sadly did not get to say, "Diane, I love your show!" hehe, alas, but, Diane, I do love your show :) And she also said I was "Jennifer from Hallandale, Michigan" hehe. It's all good. My whole family was listening to the show because I had been doing a countdown to it since I loved the book so much, and my dad called right away and asked, "was that you Jennifer?" hehe Indeed, dad, it was! Ahhh, what a rush, I'm very proud of myself for getting up the courage to do something I've sometimes thought about when the subject espeically intrigues me, but to get to call about this, this book which I loved so much, was indescribable. My day is complete. No, my week. No, my year :) Contentment....

Back to the real world now :) If you want to listen to the show, go to here and scroll to the bottom and click on the link to listen to today's show.

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