Wednesday, July 02, 2003

I like the look of the new blogger page, pretty sweet. I like that you can view the blog without having to open a new window.

I just finished talking to Drew, an old friend from high school (as in, he's not old, but our friendship is), and found out that he's been having some lady troubles. He dated Magan for four years (July 8) until she broke up with him June 13 (yes, Friday the 13) because she needed to find out what it is to be Magan for a while, without the Drew half of her. THis is the second time she's broken up with him, and while I understand her point of view, at the same time it's not really fair to Drew, and kind of selfish. As he puts it, he gives 110% to their relationship, while she's only in it 85% -- that's not how it should work, so in that regard I admire her ability to step out of the comfort zone to break it off, but at the same time she owes it to him to say at what point she'll be sure that she definitely does or doesn't ever want to get back to gether- it's not fair to drew to just leave him hanging, wondering if the love of his life is ever going to return to him. Oye. Talking to drew was greatthough, even in the topic was the brightest, mainly becvause he has a very calming, theraputic voice that is relaxing to listen to; plus drew is a fun guy. haha fungi...hahah

i had an amazing weekend this past weekend - possibly the best one yet of the summer (excluding the jason mraz/maroon5 concert, of course). It was ecclectic, humor-filled, everything...I started the evening out by scooping Alex (after going to see Charlies Angel's full throttle with mi madre, which was excellent btw); we had to figure out wehat to do for 5 hours with my brand new digital video camara (aaaghhhh!!!) so we started by going to Pembroke Lakes mall in the middle of suberbia (it is in the Everglades, afterall. I kept angrily bursting out to Alex about how he was part of the problem of Broawrd county's westward expansion that has resulted in the slow but continual decimation of the florida everglades, that sacred river of grass that precariously sits teetering on the edge of ruination. oye! but let me not run off on an environmentalist stinit...) and filming a "documaentary about the process of writing a love story" since alex had just seen alex and emma and decided to enter this short story contest related to the movie, the story had to be about love and all that jazz. that was going noweher except awful, so we invited his friend from UM (wuhoo ACC!! woot woot!), Josh, to come out and eat and chill with us. So we went to the california pizza kitchen and had a blast - we filmed the waitress, danced in the aisles, joked with fellow customers...oh it was the bombdiggity indeed. they started free versing in the middle of dinner, singing along with the canned background music...then we wondered around the mall wreaking havoc: alex break-danced in the middle of the mall until security came, we rode the plastic animals that you put 50cents into to make them bounce up and down, we jumped on furniture store displays, we talked to random peolpe about magic....ahhh, good good times. and then (oh it gets better) we went to the ice skating rink!! no way, right, on a saturday night in the middle of south florida, ice skating?! but yes, and i was in a skirt and sandals so people looked at me kindo f funny. i hadnt been ice skating snice centennial park. it was good. then after we parted, i went to danny's and hanson and jocelyn also came over (danny's parents are out of tow nfor the week) and we filmed some goofy stuff there, just gneral chilling and antics, and the ni went home. since then, its been the usual school and chilling. AND harry could i forget to mention the harry piotter???

i read books 4 and 5 in the span of 3 days. that's approximately 1500 pages of reading in 72 hours. my head hurt soooo bad by the end of sunday when i finally went to bed. they were so good, i recommend them to everyone and anyone. its sad to think that the time between the 4th and 5th ones coming out was 3 years, so that means if she continues along the same speed of production, ill be 25 years old by the time we find out the final resolution to the book series. wowow.

alght its late and im tired, so off to visions of sugar plum fairies for me. and yessss for no school on friday! yesss for good ol american hotdogs and hambergers. it makes me miss europe, lots, though since one of my most distinct memories of last sumemr was the aweomse party at the penthouse where TR was staying. oh, brussels...i will return to you soon.... :)

goodnight world!

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