Monday, February 23, 2004

Asheville was super coolio. It is definitely a hippie town, replete with little coffeeshops (pot anyone? oops, I mean, pot of coffee anyone?), funky college-aged people with dreadlocks and beanies, and map shops. Yes! A cartographic center of the south! Ha.

The best parts of the trip were, of course, the non-actual-formal-dance parts, meaning that the daytime, touring the Biltmore and its grounds, were excellent: educational, informative, historic, entertaining, filled with nature (so many rolling hills and babbling brooks! to be cliched for a moment)...Friday night was fun too, with a slightly different version of "Never have I ever" played with something like 35 people in a cramped hotel room. One of the funniest parts of the weekend were the sound effects coming from the other bed in our room. Sexual activities were being partaken in whole-heartedly, and we heard every bit of it. Yes, that was just great...except not at all. Outrageously funny to tell everyone about the next day, though. Made trying to fall asleep through it worth it. Sigh.

I feel strangely relaxed, given all I have to do. I'm fine with relaxation, though. Bring it on.

0 ..::thought(s)::..

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