Monday, March 06, 2006

Would it be alright for me to tell you that sometimes, in that fuzzy few minutes that seem to standstill, between shutting my eyes and drifting off I still think of you. And even in my mind's haze I can tell that I'm smiling without trying and my heart's a little happier. Is that silly?

I was disheartened by a sitcom on CBS tonight (How I met your mother, maybe?) which focused on a girl who earned a fellowship to a culinary school in Germany so had to have the "do we break up" discussion with her 2-month boyfriend. And I was disgusted because the conversation only involved two options for this lady, going alone (and breaking up) or staying in NY (or whereever they were). Why couldn't he even consider going with her? This storyline hit particularly close to home because of my own stubborn-head-ed-ness, and also made me really sad. Because as one of the other characters pointed out, you can chose to follow your dreams and live lots of lonely nights, or you can be in love and spend those nights next to someone's heart.

It's not fair for the two to be mutually exclusive, dreams and love or happiness and independence or me and relationships. You know?

And I refuse to believe that they are; I can't believe that they are and still think optimistically that somewhere out there is someone who I'm going to care about enough to be willing to quit any job for him, do anything for him, but who will care enough about me, too, so that he'd never ask or expect me to. I just hope that I'm not fatally idealistic, precluding myself from ever again experiencing the joys and miseries of complicated, torturous, blissful love.

Because deep down I'm scared that I'm completely wrong and that society won't let me be successful in work and still be loved in a relationship, that societal morays will habitually screw me over. And I'll be too pigheaded to realize it until it's too late and I'm a 45-year-old who's had so many lonely nights she can't identify the aching in her heart anymore because she's emotionally dull inside.


7 ..::thought(s)::..

At 10:26 AM, Blogger Sarah ..::word(s)::..

One of my best friends is about to move to Denver for his girlfriend. There *are* men like that out there. We just have to find them. :)

At 12:20 PM, Blogger ender ..::word(s)::..

Yes, there are men who will move for you. Tony moved to Houston for my job, and it made me love him even more. Good luck on finding that balance of career and relationship.

At 3:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous ..::word(s)::..

Jen! Your post definitely hit close to home for me as Brian and I try to figure out what we're going to do next year. I keep holding on to the thought that we will both get into the grad schools we want and get funding. Because if it doesn't work out perfectly then one of us is going to have to give something up for the other. We've said we'd do it, but I'm afraid of the resentment it could cause. And now I'm going to start rambling, but I've thought before about how I've always thought it was silly to go somewhere for a guy (or vice versa), but that was before I understood about love. And at some point you might have to give something up for someone else, otherwise you'll spend your entire life alone. But how do you know when that point comes?

Regardless of what happens, you will always have 207 love :-)

At 2:41 PM, Blogger Livia ..::word(s)::..

I thought of your post when I read this article today:

At 8:08 AM, Blogger Katie ..::word(s)::..

This issue was what made my life so crazy last spring. But as I have learned and I am still learning, with that one person you both have to make sacrifices. Though you don't want to give anything up, I'm not sure if that is completely realistic. I don't want Joel to have to give up his dreams for me, and I know he feels the same. We just try to figure out how they fit together.

At 8:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous ..::word(s)::..

Jen, Jen, Jen...don't worry. You'll find your man soon enough and he'll move with you when you do your crazy-overseas-rotations and you'll move with him if need be. At that point, you won't be thinking of it as an 'I'm giving up x' you will see it as a 'I'm gaining y.'

Hugs & Kisses
~ Tom

At 6:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous ..::word(s)::..

I thought for sure the Katrina lunch would have made you post something...your loyal readers await.



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