Monday, September 29, 2003


(Please excuse the language, Ladies)

Since when did common curtesy, common sense, and common ______ (I've run out of commons! Alas! Fetch me a thesarus!) give way in society to rudeness, idiocity, ignorance, and the ability to rationalize yourself as always be right (even when you're actually a huge meanie and grossly incorrect). What gives anyone the right to be such a complete BITCH?! (I regret the use of the word, but there really isn't any other adequate noun that can be used to describe this one particular person).

Let me just use a quote from said person's webjournal as an example of her cruelty, ignorance, and ability to twist situations around so that she becomes the victim (when in actuality, she's the instigator and shows a complete lack of want or ability to see the other side of things than her own position. this all equals one bad apple in the sack of red delicious): "Oh, and another thing that pissed me off yesterday (and every Friday): the Technique is the most worthless piece of shit I've ever had the displeasure to read. Get a fucking clue, I'd be ashamed to have my name associated with any such uninformed, unreadable trash." or "1. we're never all here to communicate, and that is the sappiest shit I've ever heard. fuck communication. Besides, what the fuck is a sign if it isn't FUCKING communication. Seriously, anyone that takes the meaning of a sign asking you to clean up after yourself (nicely) as a "lack of communication" should be shot, because that is pathetic. The world is being fucking overrun by psychologists and touchy-feely fucking pussies. I don't give a shit about this fad of over-emphasis about "communication" that is bullshit and I want nothing to do with it.

2. My stuff, while maybe an annoyance, has been in a pile, off to the side, never dominating the entire fucking counter AND both end tables AND stove AND filling the fucking sink with stuff that, oh, begins to smell after it's been a few days. AND, it's never been tacitly expected that someone would clean up after me if I left it out there long enough b/c it's NOT A FUCKING MESS OF GARBAGE. But, it's not out there anymore. And, I don't expect that it will be. I do not think that those are comparable at all."

All of that? Complete lies. And I have tried to look at the situation from her side as well, so as to prevent myself from being a hypocrit, and while I once thought that she was just mistaken and unjustly upset and just needed to talk about it with the room (bc maybe her expectations are different from the rest of us), now I think she's just a pompous bastard who is self-centered and stupid. Especially since (as anyone who's ever been in this great room of ours) our room is always so clean. Especially since three of us are the only ones who have vaccuumed and swiffered the main room this year (and on a regular basis, no less).

Oye!! But it (and this person) is not worth getting the blood pressure up - instead, in my mind I know that I will go on to be a successful person in my life, fulfilled emotionally, spiritually, mentally, while you are going to be stuck withyourself, the self-pitying personality you've created for yourself, and many walls of distrust, frustration, sadness, and resentment up between yourself and the rest of the real world. So instead of anger, I feel sorry for you - sorry that you can't move on past your own self-pity to see beyond yourself and recognize that there's a world out there that doesn't circle around you and doesn't care about you, and won't ever unless you give it good reason to.

I must make one more comment on this, though, before I move on. And this comment is in reference to the Nique comment. The emotions I felt (overwhelming sorrow, like I was about to cry; as if my baby had been kicked on the playground) made me feel slightly dorky for feeling such ownership of and taking such pride in this piece of work that comes out weekly, but at the same time, I wanted to go punch your lights out for being so...ugghhhh! I don't even know what word to insert here - for being so ignorant? quick with words but not with the thought necessary behind them before they should be said? for being stupid and just complaining without really giving any reason for the complaints (why are you so opposed to said paper? is it not nearly as important to campus as your precious RHA? Um, yea...we could have words on that). AAAHHHHHH I am feeling fiercly protective of my little newprint...

In other news, last week was one of the best I've had - I got to see Jimmy Carter speak at the annual Emory Town Hall meeting (from a seat in the front row, nonetheless! he's my hero...incredible); I saw Better Than Ezra from the very very front row (as in, my boobs rested on the railing separating me from the lead oh how that lead singer looked...ahhh....especially as he stared into my eyes....*sigh*); thursday was, well, good stuff as well, and friday was death by disco murder mystery theater, which was pretty cool. and this weekend - got to go shopping. man it felt good. :)

that's all i can do for now. this girl's got to go reacquaint herself with her pillow. See you cats later.

0 ..::thought(s)::..

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