Sunday, September 14, 2003

why is it that when I write down lyrics (usually for AIM profiles...::insert dork joke here::) they never seem provoking or thoughtful, but when I read the exact same song on someone else's medium, it seems deep. meaningful. hrmm.

dear mr. calvi: liars never prosper. people who are in the possession of html books (wait, does that mean the html book owns the person?) have happiness and joy. so there. :)

dear world: today was excellent. my first trip to a SuperWal*Mart ever. Ever! It was so awesome. Playing homemaker to myself was awesome too - I made the best spaghetti with meat sauce (with fresh garlic and green pepper, no less) and garlic bread today, and cut up some fresh strawberries and prepared my lunch for tomorrow. I cleaned the toilet and sink. Sadly, no homework was done for this week, which includes a total of 4 homework assignments due, 2 tests, and the start of my research with an EAS prof (which, btw, I'm super stoked about. wahooooooo). Plus, I have the best boyfriend in the world. Ok, so I don't think I have the breadth (that doesn't seem like the right word. hrm) to speak of best in the world, so we'll just go with super great. I will stress tomorrow, but that's ok. For right this second all is good, and all I want to think about is right this second. With all this coolness arriving in one day, you might ask, how can something top the list. Well, the best part of the day was getting to talk to one of my bestest friends in the whole wide world for like an hour on the phone - Mr. Daniel de los Santos. He rocks my socks off. Plus, there was much excitement and roommate bonding in the two-oh-seven tonight AND I got to talk to my Egan, which was also much excellence. I love my roommates. I love D. I love E. I love life, this second. I love this second. I love love. ::love::

"leave me with no handle to climb back down ill just wait for a landslide made up my mind to make me whole again take up your time when im alone. dont want to be be so anxious dont want to stand in line...." heard on my TDK Digital Mixmaster this lovely second.

oh, and my fingers smell like garlic. that's when you know life [this second] is good. way good.

Goodnight world!

0 ..::thought(s)::..

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