Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Whoa, so I just opened up blogger to write a post and a friendly new layout greeted me. It's the old layout. I like the old layout. When blogger was being updated and changed, I was greeted with a boring blank box for posting in, and now it looks more like it did way back when, when I first started blogging, only now it's even spiffier with a cool blue color scheme. Yum.

While I thoroughly enjoyed my fall break-age, I hate being lulled into a false sense of relaxed security just to be thrown back into the fast paced reality of the world four days later. Saturday J and I went to Amicalola Falls (the heighest waterfall east of the Mississippi, or so they say) and hiked to the top of the falls and back down. It was very, very cool, a fun hike and a gorgeous view all along the way. The leaves are starting to change, and wear their full red and orange fall colors at the top of the mountains. With the slight misting fog resting in the tops of the mountain that lifted by the time we started hiking back down, the scene was just perfect. The whole hike it seemed J and I talked about this coming summer - both of us has lots of ideas, dreams, and expectations for what we want our summers to be like, and it's been difficult to figure it all out. Even though summer is still really far away, we're both the types of people who want it figured out right now.

I, for example, wanted to do the Costa Rica study abroad program, but it has a BIO 1510 prereq, and since I refuse to take it next semester because I feel like I would be bored out of my mind (did Envirothon and AP Bio teach me nothing? I mean really, I feel as though I could take the midterm and the final and be done with it, but noooo you have to go to class and lab and all that other stupidity), I cannot do the program. Oye. So much for monkeys and white water rafting. Eh, I've been there done that.

So now I'm going back to my original thought, which was to do a language school abroad to learn French. Why French, I've asked myself many times. Well self, I've said to myself, you want to work or live abroad, somewhere in Western Europe, most likely in Belgium or France, and even if not in those two countries, in almost all W.E. countries, the people speak French (if they don't speak English as well!), and while I like Spanish a lot and already have a very rudimentary knowledge of it (by "rudimentary," I mean, what Senora Levenberg taught me in two years of high school spanish), I just have a greater desire to learn French. So, I'll go with that gut instinct. Plus, I really want to travel around Europe more like I did two summers ago, and you can't really travel that easily around Latin America (if I were to study Spanish there); I still want to see Italy and more of Switzerland, and Austria and ..... so, yeah, French it is. The place I think I want to go is Nice, France (along the southern coast, near Monaco) because this school is located in Nice and seems super cool. I want to go for 10 weeks, and since I'm an absolute beginner, I think I'd be able to come back with a basic knowledge of the language (probably equivalent to 2-3 semesters of class at Tech). So that's the plan for now. We'll see how it goes... It is fun to think about having 3 months to do anything in the world I want to...what's my wildest dream? I can do it. I can. Work in a national park cleaning trails? Sure. Volunteer at an animal shelter? Mkay. Ahhhh.

Anyway, so Saturday night was spent in Lawrenceville and Sunday was spent cooking Crunchy Garlic Chicken (from my Betty Crocker cook book, of course) and watching Jerry Maguire on TBS, and then Monday was chores, chillin, cooking more Betty Crocker goodness, and watching You've Got Mail on TBS. And of course, many baseball games were watched during the weekend. So, while it wasn't anything super exciting, I enjoyed just hanging out and relaxing and not thinking about school.

Have I mentioned that I have an obsession with TLC's "A Wedding Story"? Because I definitely do. The show fascinates me, and I love to watch it because it's so pure and free of the violence, hatred, and idiocity that pervades most prime time shows. It's just about love and family and being happy. Ahhh. Can't I live in a closet of ignorance to the real world so that I can enjoy and blissful existence?

That's all for now - I'm going to bed so I can continue my streak of like 11 hours of sleep a night. Goodnight world!

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