Thursday, March 04, 2004

New goal: to write about interesting daily conversations. Like today, with Mike, who I see every day but hardly ever really talk to. You know what I mean.

He's going around the four corners area with friends for spring break, hiking and biking. It sounds so cool! People, every person, is so interesting once you scratch the surface. I love that about humans, it's what makes me feel like there will always be adventure in my life as long as I'm always talking to people. Really talking.

So Mike was telling me that he used to be in the cycling club here (which, once he said it, made perfect sense because just minutes before I was noting that his legs had the shape of someone's who is in a non-typical sport), but he hasn't touched a bike in 1.5 years. I hope he has fun, and doesn't break anything.

I need to get better at telling stories too. Man oh man.

0 ..::thought(s)::..

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